What is Left Turn Betting?

Left Turn Betting is a new analysis and predictive modeling platform for NASCAR stats. Starting out in 2024 as @leftturnbetting on Instagram, this site uses the same data and models that have reached tens of thousands of Instagram users.

Now, we're opening those models and that data to anyone who wants to gain a deeper insight into the sport.

How does it work?

Using AI and custom Machine Learning models, Left Turn Betting analyzes historical driver, track, and race data and uses cloud-based tools to generate original predictions and insights.

Is it only for gambling?

Of course not! The data provided here is for educational and entertainment purposes.

How do I sign up?

Left Turn Betting is currently in closed beta while we work out the details, but keep on the lookout and follow us on Instagram to find out when signups open!


Follow @leftturnbetting on Instagram for weekly picks!